Who is the EMC?
We are a band of churches in Canada seeking to share the love of Jesus and actually live in him. We want to grow! We want to follow Jesus closer! We want to build a Jesus-culture in how we live, in how we teach each other, in how we tell others about this life we have found.
Where did we come from? We began in the early church 2000 years ago, we grew up in Holland during the reformation in the 16th century, we lived in Russia for a century or so and now worship in 60 churches across Canada.
We are associated with the Mennonite World Conference and the World Evangelical Alliance. The EMC is a fellowship of about 60 churches from BC to Ontario, and we have workers in many countries around the world. Within our congregations, people represent the vast array of God’s children. Our members have varying ages, abilities, cultures, backgrounds, and races. As a body committed to “proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ at home and abroad,” we want to show others what Christ has done for us so that they might find life in him and live out his mission with others.
Let us know how we can assist you.
Christ Through Us To Others
EMC Vision and Values
EMC Vision Statement
The EMC is a movement of people advancing Christ’s kingdom culture as we live, reach, gather, and teach.
We envision…
influencing our culture as we dare to live our lives with Jesus Christ as Lord.
taking risks to reach many people groups in urban centres, locally and abroad.
life-changing experiences when we gather, as God challenges, renews, and fills us with His Spirit.
teaching the gospel with a Christ-centered approach to Scripture, affirming Anabaptist convictions.
EMC Core Values
Our Core Values tell you what we think is essential in being a good-news based church in our world today. This is how the EMC wants to be known. We want to be held accountable to these values in everything we do.
1. We Value Relationships and Christian Community
As a family of churches we affirm that, in Christ, we are part of a shared faith story, historically and theologically, and that this fellowship builds us up. In offering mutual support, we learn from one another and are enriched together. We value the cooperation this relationship affords, realizing we can do more together than we can individually.
Eph. 4:3-6; Gal. 3:26-29; Rom. 12:4-5
2. We Value the Truth
Jesus is the Truth, and he is faithfully revealed in Scripture. We hold Biblical doctrine to be of primary importance, and seek to interpret the Scriptures together. We value the theological approach of the early Anabaptists who read Scripture through the lens of Christ.
2 Tim. 3:16-17; Josh. 1:8; Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39
3. We Value People
Human beings are created in God’s image, and his desire is for all people to be reconciled to himself through Christ. That is our desire, too. With compassion we seek to carry the good news of salvation in Christ to people near and far.
John 3:16; Luke 2:10-11; 2 Cor. 5:20; Matthew 18:14
4. We Value Obedience
We believe to love Jesus is to walk in reverent obedience to him. He calls us to a life of love. Within this calling we are to obey the commission of Christ to make disciples of all nations.
John 14:15, 21, 23; Rom. 13:8-10; 1 John 5:1-3; Matthew 28:18-20
5. We Value Discipleship
We value people growing in maturity as they follow Christ in a life of worship, prayer, and deepening faith. We value the calling and developing of mature Church leaders. We want our faith to be seen in a life of integrity and authenticity. We want to discern God’s leading for our lives, individually and corporately.
Mark 8:34-35; Rom. 12:1-2; James 2:17; Eph. 4:13