Make a donation
Donate Online
Clearly designate through the drop down or in the notes where you would like your gift to go. Undesignated gifts will go towards the EMC General Fund.
Recurring Donations
Pre-authorized withdrawals can be set up for regular giving to the EMC general fund, the Board of Missions special giving projects, or any other designation that goes through EMC.
Recurring donations may also be set up via credit card through the “Donate Online Now” button above.
Giving via E-Transfer
Donations are accepted via e-transfer at info@emconference.ca.
All e-transfers, including repeat donors, must include the donor’s full name, phone number, mailing address and designation in the memo line. This information is required to ensure donations are receipted to the correct donor, as well as credited to the correct designation.
E-transfers will be auto-deposited and we will not be required to enter a password to accept the transfer.
Looking to give to a specific project?
Funding is confined to programs and projects approved by the Boards of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. Designated gifts will be used as directed with the understanding that Conference boards may apply designated funds to other programs if the designated program or project has been fully funded or cannot be carried out for any reason. Priority will be given to a similar program or project.