Upcoming Events
Events Summary
This is a summary of all recurring EMC events. Current events are listed under the Events tab at the top of the page. Any events not found on that list are not currently active.
Abundant Springs
This biennial EMC youth retreat is focused on discipleship for students in grades 9-12. It features main sessions and workshops, entertainment guests, recreation activities and tons of worship in song. It is planned for and aimed at EMC students in our churches across the country. It takes place on the Briercrest Bible College campus in Caronport, Saskatchewan on the May long weekend. The next Abundant Springs event will be held in May 2025.
Conference Council
The Conference Council is the twice-annual General Meeting of the EMC. Beginning in 2025 it will be held at the end of April (online only) and at the end of November (in-person) alongside the EMC Ministerial meeting. Among the regular business of the Council is electing members to EMC boards and reviewing and approving the annual Conference budget. It is a time to network, hear reports of work being done within EMC and its outreach programs and discuss issues of concern in the Conference. It is the body with final authority on Conference policies and these decisions are made at the meetings.
EMC Equip
EMC Equip will replace the EMC Festival beginning in 2025. It is the annual EMC gathering for the purpose of worshipping God, being together as a church family and equipping churches to serve their communities. It is held every year in late October and will move between four locations in the Conference. Though the focus will be on the churches in the region, everyone in EMC is invited to attend.
Day of Prayer
Prayer is essential to the ministry of the EMC, and God is delighted when we share our hearts for the ministries that proclaim the gospel and witness to the Kingdom of God. There are many prayer initiatives, but once a year, EMC Missions places special emphasis on prayer for our EMC missionaries and church planters on a specific Sunday. Prayer requests are submitted by our workers, and a package is distributed to each of our churches with ideas of how to promote prayer for these workers on the Day of Prayer and throughout the year. Day of Prayer falls on the third Sunday in February each year.
Discover Your Ministry Potential (DYMP)
This event is held in a variety of regions, normally over a weekend. The DYMP is designed for church attendees who are considering leadership roles and exploring their gifts for ministry. The weekend includes each person learning about their own gifts and personality traits. There is a chance for attendees to speak to a conference representative about opportunities for service in the conference. The weekend also includes inspirational talks. Presenters are normally Conference Staff. There is no set date at this time, but please contact the office if you are interested in hosting a DYMP weekend.
Missionary Fellowship
EMC Missions is privileged to have approximately 100 missionaries serving in over 20 countries through EMC-administered fields and EMC Associate Partners. Once a year, we gather missionaries who are on home assignment, along with past missionaries for an evening of fellowship and prayer. We also use the opportunity to recognize and celebrate those missionaries who are retiring from full-time service. Sometimes we also provide inservice training for current missionaries during the day leading up to the evening of the Missionary Fellowship.
Ministerial Meetings
The main Ministerial meeting will be held in late November and be an all-conference in-person ministerial event. It is a time of encouragement, training, and fellowship for EMC pastors, ministers, deacons, and retired missionaries. Sometimes these meetings focus on theological issues. Networking is an important part of the Ministerial meetings.
Regional Leadership Forum
New in 2024, the Regional Leadership Forum is a two-day event, the first day of which is a retreat for pastors and their spouses and the second for everyone in the local ministerial. The purpose of the second day is to have conversations between churches and EMC staff about how to serve Christ well together. Top of Page