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The Messenger
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EMC Today
The EMC Today newsletter is distributed roughly every other week highlighting EMC-wide events, announcements, resources and more. Though directed primarily to churches, pastors and delegates, anyone is welcome to subscribe. Sign up through the “sign up here” link.
Growing Together
Growing Together: thought-provoking articles and opinions on concerns we have as the EMC in our world. Published periodically
Growing Together articles can also be found online at www.emconference.ca/growingtogether. Sign up through the “sign up here” link.
Missions Prayer Update
The monthly Missions Prayer Update includes:
Prayer Calendar: praying through all EMC missionaries and church planters on a three month rotation
Prayer Corps: individual documents for each EMC-administered mission field, past and present
Prayer event details
Sign up through the “sign up here” link or find more information at www.emconference.ca/pray.