Come and See

Come and See: Following Jesus in Spiritual Renewal from Advent to Pentecost

As the pandemic eases, many congregations will be yearning to re-gather at the feet of Jesus. Of course, Jesus never left. He has been walking with us this past year and we have been walking with him. But we long to join Mary again, sitting at the feet of Jesus watching, learning and growing in the presence of our Teacher and Saviour.

We invite EMC congregations to set aside the season from Advent to Pentecost November 28 to June 5, 2022 for a special time of spiritual renewal. Let’s get in step with Jesus as we walk through his birth, life, ascent to the cross, burial, resurrection, ascension and coming in pentecostal power. We will ask at each point for a freshness of vision, a stoking of power, a steeling of the will, a quickening of our spirits with his Spirit.

What do we need to do now?

This is not a conference-driven event. If your church wants to join this season, your leadership team needs to decide what will bring a fresh love of Jesus to your church. The EMC will provide resources and opportunities for congregations to unite with other churches but your leadership team will need to decide how this will look in your church.

  • Learn more about some possibilities of what the EMC will offer your church through the links at the left. These are still in the early stage but gives you an idea of what it could look like.

  • Decide whether your church would like to enter this focused time of prayer, fasting, learning and visioning beginning in Advent this year.

  • Begin to think and plan for how you in your church would like to be led back to the feet of Jesus

  • Begin preparing the congregation and praying that the Lord would prepare you for this time.


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