Desire Conference

The theology conference held November 2020, was intended to deepen our commitment to biblical truth and our awareness of the painful path we sometimes walk as embodied people. Some material may be better suited to a mature audience.

Besides the videos below, the theology conference also included stories from people who have struggled with sexuality. They were a big part of the day, but we did not record them. Please consider accessing material from Digital Leaders Forum, Grace/Truth 1.0 — Preston Sprinkle and Grace/Truth 2.0 — Preston Sprinkle to gain this personal perspective. A resource list can be found below with other resources recommended by our presenters.


Our host Barry Plett, sets the stage for this conference, reminding us of our source for truth. The topic is relevant and important he says, as our churches are involved with people who are same sex attracted. Barry was the lead pastor at Blumenort Community Church at the time of the conference.

Session 1

Gord Penner lays out the biblical menu when it comes to sexuality, describing the big message in all its wonderful complexity the scriptures teach on this part of our lives. Gord teaches Old Testament at Steinbach Bible College and is a minister in the Ridgewood Church.

Session 2

Darryl Klassen shows us four basic mistakes often made in sexuality debates, both by those who affirm same-sex marriage, and those opposed to it. Darryl is an adjunct professor at Steinbach Bible College and a free-lance writer and lecturer.

Session 3

James Driedger wades into Romans 1 and situates Paul’s often misunderstood words regarding same-sex lust within the whole message of grace he was seeking to convey. James was an associate pastor at the Blumenort Community Church at the time of this conference.

Session 4

Layton Friesen says our desire is sparked by glory, the beautiful radiance of God shone into the world at creation. This desire needs to focused and trained so that it leads us to our final friendship with God. Layton was the EMC Conference Pastor at the time of this conference.

Session 5

John Neufeld unveils the incredibly gracious and yet truth-centred way Jesus encountered and confronted people in his pastoral ministry. He follows this by asking us to consider the filters we use when we encounter people. John is the senior pastor of The Meeting Place.

Session 6 - Slides Only

Although the sixth session was not recorded, John has graciously shared his slides. In this session, he identifies the challenges facing the Church and shares what his church has learned about ministering to sexually broken people. NB: TMP = The Meeting Place.

Recommended by our presenters:

  1. Barry Danylak Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life (Crossway)

  2. Christine A. Colon and Bonnie E. Field Singled Out: Why Celibacy Must Be Reinvented in Today’s Church (Brazos Press)

  3. Conversations about Jesus, Sex and Gender A 12-part video series for youth leaders, mentors and parents to engage with high school students. (The Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender)

  4. Ed Shaw Same Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life (IVP Books)

  5. Mark Yarhouse Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Parents Pastors and Friends (Bethany House Publishers)

  6. Nancy R. Pearcey Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life and Sexuality (BakerBooks)

  7. Posture Shift: A seminar, with extensive resources, now available online for training church leaders on how to reach LGBT+ people.

  8. Preston Sprinkle (ed) Two views on Homosexuality, the Bible and the Church (Counterpoints)

  9. Preston Sprinkle People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality Is Not Just an Issue (Zondervan)

  10. Richard Hays The Moral Vision of the New Testament, especially ch. 16 “Homosexuality” (HarperOne)

  11. Robert A.J. Gagnon The Bible and Homosexual Practice (Aberdeen)

  12. Sam Allbery 7 Myths About Singleness (Crossway)

  13. Wesley Hill Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality (Zondervan)


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