Leadership Development Scholarship

A leadership development scholarship is available to assist EMC students who are serving or planning to serve in a church or mission-related vocation. It offers assistance towards theological training in a Christian post-secondary or graduate school.

1. Purpose

  • The purpose of the leadership development scholarship is to encourage theological leadership development by offering study grants for education to leaders intending to serve within EMC churches and Conference.

  • Funds may be applied to any Christian college/university or seminary/graduate school approved by the Board of Leadership and Outreach.

  • Funds will normally be applied to a degree program, not on-going professional development seminars and conferences.

  • Funds will normally go toward degrees in theological and biblical education preparing the pastor or missionary for vocational ministry in the church.

2. Eligibility

  • The Leadership Development Scholarship is available to EMC ministers, missionaries and seminary students involved in or aspiring to church related vocations in the EMC conference. Mature Bible College students may also be considered. Applicants will have:

    • Leadership aspirations and capacity

    • A sense of calling and discernment

    • A demonstrated ability affirmed by their church

    • An official letter of recommendation from the home church re: all of the above

3. Assistance Level

  • Undergraduate students taking 12 or more credits per semester are eligible to receive up to $1,500 per semester.

  • Graduate students are eligible to receive up to $2,000 per semester

  • Students taking part-time studies are eligible to receive a pro-rated scholarship.

  • Local churches are encouraged to consider matching the scholarship.

4. Application Process

  • Scholarship application and registration forms are available from the Conference office.

  • The deadline for application is October 15.

  • The application process has two steps.

    • Step One: Submit an application form along with a letter of endorsement from your home congregation. This is a one-time application and does not need to be repeated in subsequent years in the same degree.

    • Step Two: Submit a registration form signed by your school registrar confirming the number and type of courses you have taken in the past calendar year. This step is repeated each year the scholarship is sought.

  • The Board of Leadership and Outreach and the Board of Missions will review the applications and award the scholarships by December 1.

  • Scholarship recipients will receive a T4 for the amount of the scholarship.


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The Lord’s Prayer