What’s in a Name

The Sunday School/small group lessons prepared for the EMC Bicentennial reflect the conference’s spiritual and historical roots, an explanation of the present and aspirations for the future. The title of this series, What’s in a Name? suggests that at one time or the other we have been associated with a name that we or other people have coined to describe us.

The first four lessons bear titles that were not necessarily considered terms of endearment, but names given to people who dared to follow the teaching and example of their Saviour, Jesus Christ. The last two studies are on names that some conference churches have adopted, others not. This is an opportunity to think about who we are and how we wish to portray ourselves to the world we live in.

We thank the six contributors for their willingness to research and give of their time to prepare the lessons.

– The Bicentennial Committee


Treasurer’s Day


Women in Pastoral Ministry