Writer’s Mini-Conference

Sponsored by EMC, EMMC and SBC

November 2, 2024 | Steinbach Bible College and Online

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or you’ve only begun to consider writing for publication you already know that connecting deeply with people rarely happens without effort. Join us on November 2 to build your skills and consider the reason you write.   


Registration and Coffee | 9:00
Opening | 9:30
Session 1 | 9:45
Break | 10:45
Session 2 | 11:00
Lunch | 12:00
Session 3 | 1:00
Closing | 2:00

See session descriptions below


In Person - $50
Online - $25
SBC Students - $25

(lunch included for all in-person participants)

Registration Deadline: October 25

Register Now

Session 1: Deep Calls to Deep

How do we find the “story within the story”? How do we connect that which is deepest within the people we write about to that which is deep within readers and ourselves?

This interactive session will look at finding good stories, asking good questions and conducting good interviews, all while staying rooted in faith.

Speaker: Will Braun

Will Braun lives on a small farm south of Morden with his wife and two teenage sons. In addition to playing in the dirt, he serves as editor of Canadian Mennonite magazine. His writing has appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press, Rhubarb magazine and faith publications of five denominations.

Session 2: I [Don’t] Know What You Did Last Summer

What's the difference between a story snooze-fest and a page-turner? Geralyn will use the classic "what I did this summer" essay to demonstrate storytelling tools that will help your non-fiction narrative, if not sparkle, at least twinkle a little here and there. These include leading with the right material, showing vs. telling in non-fiction, and the power of specificity. 

Speaker: Geralyn Wichers

Geralyn Wichers is an agricultural journalist from Steinbach, Man., where she writes for publications such as the Manitoba Co-operator and Western Producer. Geralyn is a member of Steinbach EFC and a recent addition to the EMC's board of church ministries.

Session 3: For the Love of the Word

How do we use words effectively to engage our readers, and to express our faith? Is there room for creativity in nonfiction writing? 

In this hands-on workshop, we will have an opportunity to practice composing the ideas gleaned from the morning sessions. There will be time to talk about words, ask questions, write, and share words and ideas in small groups.

Speaker: Luann Hiebert

Luann Hiebert lives in Steinbach, MB, with her husband Terry and their dog Milton. She serves as an Assistant Professor of English Literature at Providence University College (Otterburn) and is an adjunct professor at Steinbach Bible College. When she has time, she enjoys reading and writing poetry, and leading a worship team in her church. Her first book of poetry is What Lies Behind (2014, Turnstone Press). Her work has also appeared in Prairie Fire, the Society, Rhubarb, Lemon Hound, Kingdom Poets, Ekstasis Magazine, and in the anthologies Heartwood: Poems for the Love of Trees and 29 Mennonite Poets.