Come and See Kids Ministry Resources
As you prepare for each weeks children feature or children’s church lesson, we invite you to consider the following questions:
What is Jesus doing in this passage?
How is Jesus doing this today? What does this mean for us?
Facebook Group
We have created a Facebook group just for EMC children’s ministry workers! You are invited to join the group called “EMC KidsMin” to share or find ideas as you participate with Come and See, and for any other children’s ministry question you have!
Idea Sheets
Each week has an idea sheet, found through the buttons below. These are not cohesive lesson plans, but rather a list of ideas to spark your creativity, created with children’s features or children’s church in mind. If you have other ideas that are not on these lists we invite you to join the Facebook group and share them!
One important note - there are some themes carried throughout multiple weeks, specifically around the Christmas story. We suggest you look ahead to plan out if, and how, you would like to connect those weeks.
Song List
Song Suggestions
Other Sources for Children’s Worship Music
Many of these have free lyric videos on YouTube, or can be found through music subscription services (YouTube Music, Apple Music etc)
Straight Scripture lyrics
Good preschool songs
Straight Scripture lyrics
Good preschool songs